“So how did it start…? I needed to drop a few pounds (and still do), so I started biking. Well, bikes are WAY too efficient and the time needed was more than I could commit, so I then tried running.
It was a slow start, but I eventually found like-minded people who were supportive. In Frederick, this road inevitably leads to the Steeplechasers.
It’s been a number of years now, I really don’t know how many, but couldn’t be happier with the communities I’ve found.
The group that probably helped me more than any, was the Steep Trail Runners group. This is an amazing set of people that instantly take you in as one of their own.
I can remember my first time on new trails with them… back of the pack, yet other members happily back there with me. The entire group was waiting at each intersection so that we stayed reasonably together.
The post run gatherings at the trailhead were the best!
My running has also lead me to another great group of athletes I highly recommend getting involved with – Athletes Serving Athletes.
We assist mobility-challenged athletes cross the finish line in mainstream running events. Nothing compares to running with these friends and families. If you’re looking for a different focus in your running, one that allows you to help others get that racing experience, we are always looking for additional legs, lungs, and hearts to be Wingmen to the most incredible athletes you’ll ever meet.
So far, I’ve finished about 25 half marathons, six marathons, six half Ironmans, three 50Ks, and countless other adventures, all due to deciding to go for a run.
This year, I’m attempting my first full Iron Man – gotta keeping finding out how far I can push.
Hope to see you out there!”
If you know of someone that you think we should hear more about, please reach out to Barb Meely at barb.meely@sandbox.steeplechasers.org.