We’re now days away from the Lewis Memorial 10 Miler (the run that Steeps love to hate!). It’s time to gather the few, the proud, THE VOLUNTEERS! If you want to watch and cheer for others gutting out a really wicked 10 miles rather than run it yourself, this is the path for you! Plus you can come for breakfast, see who gets the awards, and share in the merriment that happens in the clubhouse after it’s over. Contact Mark Lawrence for available volunteer assignments: Mark.Lawrence@steeplechasers.org

This is our first Grand Prix race of the year, online registration closes Thursday, Jan. 18 – that’s tomorrow! So, if you want to run this race, please head on over to https://runsignup.com/fsrclewisrun and sign up. Signing up online helps everything go smoothly race day morning, and makes it easier for all the volunteers involved.

The Lewis Memorial 10 Miler is FREE to all active members of the club so don’t forget to renew your membership before signing up for “FSRC Member Registration”. You can renew your membership from the emails which have been sent out (easiest) or through https://steeplechasers.org/membership/join/
