A little competition among friends. Run specific local races, and then with a little mathematical and computer science magic by FSRC, see how you compare to other Steeplechasers.
2023 Grand Prix Series Races
January 2023
February 2023
March 2023
April 2023
May 2023
June 2023
July 2023
August 2023
September 2023
October 2023
Sunday 8:
8:30 am
Rick O’Donnell Memorial 5 Mile Trail Run, 4-Hour Challenge, and 8-Hour Ultra Challenge
November 2023
NOTE: For races listed as TBD, the date has not yet been set. The date listed is the best guess based on historical data.
- Series consists of the races identified in the Grand Prix Series Races list, to the extent those events are held.
- Best 5 races count towards scoring.
- Must run a minimum of 4 races to qualify for an award.
- May enter the Grand Prix at any point once your membership has been paid for the current calendar year. No retroactive scoring will be allowed.
- Age will be determined by the competitor’s age on January 1st of the current calendar year.
- Official results are used for all scoring. If you think your result has been missed, or that your time is inaccurate, please contact the race director to resolve, and contact the Competition Committee when the official results have been updated, to get the club standing corrected.
- Unofficial bib swap is neither allowed nor condoned by races or within FSRC club competition.
- Ties are broken as follows:
- Look at point differential in head-to-head races.
- If not resolved, look at average score for all included races (limit best 5 races).
- If not resolved, and this is a division tie, look at average score for overall included races (limit best 5 races).
- If still not resolved, tie is declared.
- Overall score based on top 50 finishers with first place receiving 50 points, second place receiving 49 points, etc.
- Age-group score based on top 10 finishers with first place receiving 10 points, second place receiving 9 points, etc.
- You receive a participation award for participating in 4 of the Grand Prix Events.
- Top 5 overall, male and female.
- Top 5 male and female in the following age groups:
- 13 and under
- 14 to 29
- 30 to 39
- 40 to 49
- 50 to 59
- 60 to 69
- 70 and over
- No duplication of awards.
- Participation awards will be given to every member that completes 4 or more Grand Prix races.
- Awards are distributed at the FSRC Year-End Celebration Banquet.