by Kerry McHugh

Fifteen Steeplechasers traveled down to Damascus, Virginia, to run the first inaugural Dam Yeti 50k on Saturday, June 2nd. The course runs along the Virginia Creeper trail, an old rail trail that offers sweeping views of the south Virginian valleys and farmlands. The Steeplechasers crew (known to the race director and other racers as “that fun group from Maryland”) made quite a showing in the race results, with several Steeps placing in the top ten:

Linda “Blue” Boring: 1st Female, 2nd overall, course record 4:18:09

Stephenie Nagle: 2nd Female, 4th overall, 4:41:43

Phil Pinti: 5th Male

Billy Clem: 6th Male

Lindsey Weaver: 8th Female

Joshua McAlister: 9th Male

Joshua McAlister and Dee Gager both completed their first “official” 50k distance (having run the 31+ mile distance in fat-ass/self-supported runs in the past), and Craig Combs and Stephenie Nagle both logged their first ultramarathon distance. Rachel Ridgway, Brie Ritchey, Nicole Davis, Kerry McHugh, Vaughn Temple, Dan Cardenas, and David Miller also completed the race.

While the individual accomplishments were impressive, the group agreed that the highlight of the race was the sense of community that came from training, traveling, and running together. The Yeti Trail Runners pride themselves on offering a supportive and encouraging race environment, with an excellent finish line celebration. That celebratory spirit was on full display when the last Steeplechasers crossed the finish line into a “human tunnel” of supporters who cheered them through the end of mile 32 [pictured].


For more information on trail running with the Steeplechasers, contact Nicole Davis at

