A few months ago, some of our members started organizing some Wednesday Night Pub Runs from different restaurants downtown. Due to consistent demand for more group runs and a pub run, this is now going to happen every Wednesday at 6:00pm from Brewer’s Alley. Reminders will be posted on the FSRC Group Runs page on Facebook for a while.

We meet at the benches outside the front door of Brewer’s Alley and leave by 6:05 at the latest for an easy, conversational-paced 3 mile run with lots of places to cut it shorter:
– LEFT on 2nd St (to the end)
– LEFT on Carroll Creek bike path (behind the Shifferstadt Museum)
– Take the bike path all the way back to Market St
– LEFT on Market St, back to Brewer’s.
* You can cut over to the bike path at any point on 2nd St to shorten the route.

Don’t want to run at all? Fine, just show up for the Pub part! ? We’ll head up to the rooftop deck if the weather’s nice – if not, head to the tables in the main bar.
