2020 Women’s Virtual 5k Training Program


Welcome to the 2020 Women’s Virtual 5k Training Program. Below you will find links to all the information you need for the program. Prior to the first session, please read the General Information document. Also look at all three training plans and decide which training plan best fits your needs. The remaining documents are for your reference later in the program.

General Information

Training Information Booklet

Training Plan A

Training Plan B

Training Plan C

Dynamic Warm-up Exercises


Drill Set

Information Session: Monday, June 1st, 6 pm : This will be virtual, more information to follow via Women’s Distance Festival Facebook Page

First Run: Wednesday, June 3rd. Due to Covid-19 all runs will be held on an independent basis. We will discuss in further detail during our informational session. Details will also be posted on the group Facebook page.

Questions: wdf5ktraining@sandbox.steeplechasers.org

We look forward to training with you,

Syble, Casii, and Marti