By Barb Meely, Membership Chairperson

We really do have the most diverse and amazing members! I would love to share your stories, accomplishments or anything else you would like to share. Please send them to

I recently saw that a Steep had commented on having a long run streak, and I asked her to tell me a little more about it and if I could do a spotlight on her. I am sure glad I did since I found out some very interesting things about a fellow Steep and can I say WOW! This week our featured Steeplechaser Spotlight is on Farrah Douglas.

Here’s Farrah’s story, in her own words:

“Although I have now lived here since 2017, I am fairly new to the Steeplechasers, almost a year now.

I currently coach Women’s Rugby at Mount St. Mary’s University, as it is an Emerging Sport in the NCAA which is how I ended up living Frederick. I started coming out to the Wednesday Pub Runs as a way to meet more people, see a bit of Frederick and add some miles with a friend.

I am originally from Massachusetts, absolutely obsessed with Unicorns! I come from a multi-sport background having danced for a number of years before switching to soccer, volleyball, basketball and eventually cross country and track.

Originally, I attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, ME to run Cross Country, which I quit fairly quickly (something about being the chubby girl onto team was unappealing). I did however stay and was a multi-event athlete in both the indoor and outdoor track seasons.

Upon quitting CC, I found rugby but continued with the indoor and outdoor seasons. Rugby was really and still is a passion of mine. I’ve coached and played for over 25 years now, including two World Cups (2006 & 2010) as a player for the USA, as well as an Assistant Coach for the 2014 World Cup and two years as the USA U18 Girls Head Coach.

What does that have to do with running? Well, when I retired from international rugby, I decided to run my first marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon in 2011. Meanwhile, I have run the MCM 4 times and this October will be my 5th. I have run the Rehoboth Marathon once, giving me 5 marathons to date. Since 2011, I have completed 14 half marathons, 9 ten milers, two 20 milers, a 50k and quite few small scale Ultra Challenges.

Joining the Steeps has been an amazing experience. I have meet some super amazing people along the road who have not only become good friends but have challenged me to get outside my comfort zone running. I am currently on a running streak that as of June 8th is 312 days long and I’ve run 1,030 miles (I only did 1,300 for all of 2019). The streak started August 1, 2019 when my friend Josh challenged me to run 60 days straight.

I am ultra-competitive, love challenges and decided to see how long I could go on a streak. During this time also I have run 3 halves in 4 days – thus beginning my challenge adventures which quite a few Steeps are either a part of or partly responsible for my signing up… I am enjoying reconnecting with the runner inside my rugby player and the Steeps have been a huge part of that journey.”

We would love to share your stories, accomplishments or anything else you would like to share! If you would like to be featured here, please send your story to
