Hello running family, I hope everyone is staying healthy in these highly unusual times.  As we navigate through these rough and confusing months, now is the time to “come together” and lean on each other to ensure everyone gets through this safely.  We all know some people who have been affected one way or another by this pandemic situation, whether it is the benefit of working from home, or losing their job due to restrictions.  If we all just do a few simple acts of kindness for each other, this situation will be a lot easier to handle.  Call a family member to see how they’re doing.  Donate some time to an organization you care about.  Leave an extra tip for your carry-out service to help the struggling restaurant business.  

Personally, our family has been fortunate enough to benefit from continuing our work from home, providing additional time to spend together.  Although work is as busy as ever, the extra time we have not sitting on the highway has given us an appreciation for each other and the time we are given.  I’ve been fortunate enough to get my son into running (finally), and we have been training together on the trails in and around Frederick.  We have found more remote trails in the area giving us new appreciation for the area we live in.  Frederick is a truly wonderful place to run with options of scenic (rocky) trails, wide open country roads, and of course, the people around us.

We will, as a community, move forward and onto a “new normal” together.  I appreciate each and every one of our members for sticking with us as we do most events virtually.  We know it’s not easy to look forward to goals while in uncertain situations, but I’ve seen many of you spreading positive messages to help your fellow neighbors.  All our goals have been altered or pushed out to future dates, but as one team, we’ll get to that finish line again soon.

Josh Roane
FSRC President
