Happy Monday! I would love to share your stories, accomplishments or anything else you would like to share, please send them to barb.meely@sandbox.steeplechasers.org.

This member is powerhouse and a great guy. This weekā€™s member spotlight is on the incredible Chris Bailey.

“Well, I didnā€™t run a step until I was 39 years old. I bought a $20.00 pair of high-quality running shoes at Walmart and then suffered through numerous bouts of shin splints. I honestly donā€™t remember what made me want to give it a try. I never participated in any sports throughout middle and high school. I was more concerned about smoking cigarettes in the bathroom without getting caught and listening to heavy metal music!

“I smoked about a pack a day until I was 33 years old.”

Looking back, I think I would have been pretty good if I had picked a sport.

I had no idea how much I enjoyed pushing the limits of myself until I got into running over 20 years later! Iā€™m now 46 and have a few running accomplishments under my belt that Iā€™m proud of. The year I turned 40, I completed the King Crab Challenge (Frederick Half Marathon, Baltimore 10 Miler & Baltimore Marathon).

Since then, Iā€™ve run 1:26 at Frederick Half Marathon and 3:11 at the Baltimore Marathon, which was a 4-minute cushion for a BQ [Boston Qualifier time] but that was 2 years ago, when so many fast people qualified, I missed out by 46 seconds. That actually was a blessing in disguise because, at this point, I was getting deeper into trail and ultra-running.

I live in Keedysville so I have the AT [Appalachian Trail] and Antietam Battlefield right out of my front door, so Iā€™m pretty spoiled with quality trails I can run on at any time!

I was lucky enough to win a spot into the Dam Yeti-100 which I was much more excited about than Boston. I ran the 100-miler in 2019 and ran the Dam Yeti 50K this year, which was my first win ever! Iā€™ve done a few local ultras, CAT50K, Stone Mill 50-Miler, Greenbrier Midnight Madness 50 and, my proudest accomplishment to date, was just earlier this month, when Elaine Griesbach and I completed the CAT-100!

Until this past year or so Iā€™ve always run by myself but over the past few years I have slowly been meeting Steeps and doing ā€œStrava stalkingā€. Thatā€™s how I met Billy Clem [a member of the FSRC], who, Iā€™m sure most of you have never heard of, is very private and doesnā€™t ever talk to anyone! šŸ˜³ šŸ˜‚

He started inviting me to group runs here and there, which was awkward for me at first, but it turned out to be this one helluva good group of people! I felt welcomed pretty quick.

The camaraderie of this running community is great!

I made it official and became a Steep last year and, although I donā€™t get a chance to participate in a lot of the group stuff, when I do, itā€™s a blast! I could not have made it through the CAT-100 this past weekend [Oct 10, 2020] without the selfless support and crewing of so many Steeps!! I look forward to many miles, many feet of vert, and meeting many new faces in the years to come! Cheers yā€™all! šŸ» šŸŗ

“One more shoutout I canā€™t forget, thanks to my wife, Heather, and my daughter, Samantha, for putting up with this craziness Iā€™ve gotten myself into!”

Chris and Samantha Bailey
Chris Bailey and daughter, Samantha, during Chris’s CAT-100 Challenge, Oct 10, 2020.
