I would love to share your stories, accomplishments or anything else you would like to share. Please send them to barb.meely@sandbox.steeplechasers.org. As you might know by now, the Steeplechasers is a 100% volunteer-driven club. We are lucky to have someone new added to our coaching team. This week’s amazing member spotlight is on Megan Putman.
“Formerly a competitive swimmer, I turned into a runner after college. I dabbled with triathlons for a few years, but eventually decided to stick with running only.
I completed my first half marathon in 2009.
I didn’t know then if I would stick with running or not, but here I am well over 10 years later and still running!
I have completed three marathons and numerous half marathons, 10-milers, 10Ks, and 5Ks.
When my husband and I moved back to our hometown of Frederick, MD in 2013, I joined the Steeplechasers the following year. I primarily joined to make running friends, but I also needed a group to keep me accountable.
I found the key to my success with the club was participating in the Half and Full Marathon Training Programs.
I have met the most amazing and inspiring people. Running with the training groups has motivated me to become a coach myself.
I am so excited to be a part of a great coaching staff for this spring’s Half Marathon Training group. The Frederick Steeplechasers Running Club has so much to offer. I hope others have found this for themselves, but if not, come meet me next time you’re out on the roads! It’s been a tough year, but we must keep going.
FRSC is #stillrunning! I look forward to running with you soon!”