As many of you might not know, FSRC (Frederick Steeplechasers Running Club) is an all volunteer organization. The club’s leadership is made up of the Executive Board (Executive Officers and Directors), as well as chairs of the different committees.

Board Meetings are held quarterly (February, May, August, and November). At these meetings, committee chairs share updates. These updates will now be included in the newsletters throughout the year, so you have an idea of what is going on with the club.

  • Communications – Chair, Oksana Lightfield, Team: Louis Schiavone, Kim Whalen, Pamela Lesch, and Kristen Watkins – The committee continues to do an excellent job with the bi-monthly newsletter, as well as putting together articles for the Intervals Blog. A task force has been formed to work on a social media slogan/hashtag.
  • Community Outreach – Chair, Ainsley Cain – After being vacant for some time, we were happy to fill this position, as the club does give back to the community through our Signature Races. We are also looking at ways to become more involved with the community through volunteering and other events.
  • Competition – Co-chairs, Shannon Matthews and Ruth Taylor – The committee received many nominations for the 2022 Major Awards and winners have been selected. Awards will be given at the Annual Running Celebration and Banquet on Saturday, January 28. The 2023 Grand Prix and Equalizer Series schedules have been set. After many years as the co-chair of the committee, Shannon Matthews is stepping down. Thank you to Steve Dobson for volunteering to take on this role.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Chair, Farrah Douglas, Team: Lou King, Katerina George, Oksana Lightfield, Jake Sisler, and Wendy Rollison – The committee met to put together an action plan for 2023. This includes a training plan for coaches and leadership, as well as a speaker series for club members.
  • FRSC Memorial Scholarship Review Board – Chair, Crista Horn, Team: Mike O’Grady, Bonnie Key, Bill Susa, Kerry Shepherd, Chris Beers-Arthur – Thanks to $7,651 from Rick’s Run, the 2023 Scholarship balance is $9,333.
  • Membership – Chair, Barb Meely, Team: Kathy Cea and Tina Cole – Membership is continuing to grow. We are up to 873 members as of December 27. Thanks to the committee for all their hard work with recruiting new members, keeping current members informed about club events, as well as highlighting all of our wonderful members. The Member Monday posts are a great way to learn more about how everyone got into running. If you want to share your story, send an email to
  • Panthers Running Club – Head Coach, Chad Ahalt – 45 runners in the program this season and 13 participated in the Market Street Mile. 
  • Race Services – Chair, Mark Lawrence, Team: Natasha Keogh, Harriet Langlois, and Kim Whalen – We provided services for 13 races this year and have five contracted for next spring. Thank you to the committee, as well as all of the wonderful volunteers for helping with finish line services. If you haven’t ever volunteered, we encourage you to sign up for just one race. It is really a wonderful experience to be on the other side of things.
  • Races Committee – Chair, Harriet Langlois – Dates and race directors are set for Signature Races and Low-Key Races. 2023 Race Revenue Proposals were submitted and voted on. There were no updates to the beneficiaries.
  • Races – Decathlon – Chair, Tim O’Keefe – Another successful year for the Decathlon Series. This year we were lucky to be able to host all events at Frederick High School. 
  • Races – Market Street Mile – Race Director, Chris Dutton, assisted by Jake Sisler – 447 total participants (94 women’s heat, 49 youth heat, 102 men’s heat, and 202 family/fun heat). $7,300 net proceeds from race. $3,000 to Lincoln Panther Running Club and $4,300 to City Youth Matrix. Thanks to Jake Sisler, who will take over as race director starting with the 2023 race.
  • Races – Market Street Mile – Race Director, Chris Dutton, assisted by Jake Sisler – 447 total participants (94 women’s heat, 49 youth heat, 102 men’s heat, and 202 family/fun heat). $7,300 net proceeds from race. $3,000 to Lincoln Panther Running Club and $4,300 to City Youth Matrix. Thanks to Jake Sisler, who will take over as race director starting with the 2023 race.
  • Races – Rick’s Run – Race Director, Crista Horn – 228 completed the 5.22 mile race and 101 completed at least two laps of the 8-hour ultra challenge. The race brought in $7,651 for the FSRC Memorial Scholarship. 
  • Races – Summer Solstice 8K – Race Director, Harriet Langlois, assisted by Michelle Edwards – Final payment to Blessings in a Backpack was $17,626. 
  • Races – Women’s Distance Festival – Race Director, Harriet Langlois – Final payment to Women’s Giving Circle was $26, 585. This was a new high by over $2,000. 
  • Racing Team – Administrator, Mike Kearney – After many years in this position, Mike Kearney will be stepping down. Heidi Novak will be taking over this position.
  • Social – Chair, Justine Springer, Team: Gwyn Whieldon, Jason Scaroni, Billy Clem, and Karen Ochs – Hosted Post-Race tents at Freedom’s Run and the Bay Bridge 10K. The Annual Running Celebration and Banquet will take place on Saturday, January 28 from 6-9 p.m. Thanks to Billy Clem for hosting the Wednesday Pub Runs and Karen Ochs for organizing the Breakfast Runs. Information about these events can be found on our FSRC Group Runs Facebook group
  • Spires – Head Coach, Michele Jacoby – Michele and the other coaches did a wonderful job keeping the group going after Coach Trevor James stepped down. Registration for the spring season will open in March.
  • Store – Chair, Carolyn DiMaria – Carolyn continued to do a wonderful job with acquiring new items for the store, so that we can represent our wonderful club on our runs, walks, or at other events. She is always looking for suggestions, so send an email to with your ideas.
  • Technology – Chair, Lou King, Team: Kathy Cea and Mike Kearney – Thanks to the committee for keeping the website safe and up to date. Based on a review of our website at a marketing seminar at the RRCA Convention, as well as the club survey, the committee will be looking at making changes to the website.
  • Trail Running – Chair, Billy Clem – With shorter daylight hours, the evening beginner trail runs are on hold for now, however, weekend trail runs are being organized. Information about these events can be found on our FSRC Trail Runners Facebook group
  • Training – Chair, Ainsley Cain Team: Crystal Tressler – The fall programs have wrapped up and the surveys have been completed. Plans are underway for the 2023 training programs. 
  • Volunteer – Chair, Crystal Tressler, Team: Claire Heasman – Volunteer gifts for 115 eligible members were purchased and most were distributed at the Membership Meeting. 184 total members volunteered for the club from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022. 
