FSRC Memorial Scholarship


Rick O’Donnell

In the spring of 2013, Steeplechaser member, friend, devoted husband, and father RickO’Donnell lost his battle with bile duct cancer. The Rick O’Donnell 5.22 Mile Trail Run and Ultra-Challenge was started in his memory, and is held annually at Greenbrier State Park.

Larry Key

In 2015, Larry Key, another friend and beloved Steeplechaser, died of a heart attack while out on a run.

Both Rick and Larry embodied the true spirit of what it means to be a runner and a friend, and the club wanted to continue to honor their spirit while giving back to the community. Thus, the FSRC Memorial Scholarship was created in 2016, dedicated to their memory. Net proceeds from the annual Rick’s Run, in addition to community donations, are used to fund the scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to Frederick-area high school seniors who, like Rick and Larry, have made a difference in the running community.

John Godinet

In 2021 we sadly added another honoree to our Rick’s Run memorial.  John Godinet was a local running hero that lost his 5-year battle with ALS on May 7, 2021.  He was a prominent figure in our running community, remembered fondly for the countless events that he participated in over the years, from 5ks to 100-milers.  He was instrumental in bringing many, many people to the world of running over the years, and he will especially be remembered for the kindness and joy that he spread wherever he went.  Simply put, John radiated contagious happiness.

Our motto for the 2021 Rick’s Run was “Live Like John” in which we strive to enjoy every moment, laugh in the face of adversity, and show loving kindness to everyone we meet. 

Since 2016 the Frederick Steeplechasers have awarded $60,000 in scholarships to 36 Frederick area high school seniors.


Please click the Donate button below if you’d like to donate directly to the FSRC Memorial Scholarship Fund.


To apply for an FSRC Memorial Scholarship, please click HERE and follow the instructions.

Family members of the FSRC Leadership Team, and members of the scholarship selection committee are disqualified from applying for or receiving scholarships.

Previous Scholarship Winners

If you would like to help with the planning of Rick’s Run or volunteer on race day, contact info@rickstrailrun.com. If you would like to assist on the Memorial Scholarship Sub-Committee, contact memorialscholarship@sandbox.steeplechasers.org.