Reduce the Guilt….get out for our Turkey Day 5K Tradition!
Proceeds will benefit our Greencastle Flyers Youth Club as well as our HS Cross Country & Track Teams
Race Start Times:
Kids’ Race (1 Mile) Start Time: 8:00 AM
5K Start Time: 8:30 AM
Race Day Registration & Packet Pick-Up:
7:15 AM – 8:15 AM at Greencastle-Antrim HS GYM
1 Mile Kids’ Race: $10
5K Trot: $25 if registered by 11/07/24…..$30 after 11/07/24 (not guaranteed a t-shirt)
?T-Shirts: are guaranteed to those who register by 11/07/24
Kids Race: Finishers will receive medal at finish.
5K Trot: Top 3 Overall Male and Female Finishers will receive awards.
No age-group awards will be given this year.
Must be present to receive t-shirt and awards.