The 2018 Lil’B 5k-ish was so much fun, we’re doing it again. In typical trail running style, we are going super low-key. No frills, no door prizes, no awards, no pressure. Just some fun hanging out with your trail peeps for a morning and clocking a time. Bring your own water, and bring a snack to share when we’re all done.
Course is actually pretty close to an actual 5k, and flat-ish, which to you roadies means it has a few hills, and one really short section you may want to hike, but nothing too scary. Course is 100% runnable, mostly single-track, not much in the way of roots or rocks, and has about a quarter mile on Prescott Road coming into the finish. Great course for first-timers who want to see what trail racing is all about.
PARENTS: The quarter-mile on Prescott Road is not closed to traffic. There are also opportunities in the woods for your kid to miss a turn and end up in Clarksburg. Consider this carefully before signing up your kid.
$0 Sorry folks, per our permit restrictions, you must be a member of the Steeplechasers.
You can join the club at the same time you register here. If you think you are a paid member of the club and you can’t register for free, please check the spelling of the name you used to join the club, using The system checks for a matching birth date, so please check your RunSignUp profile. If this still doesn’t offer the discount check with to make sure your birth date is set correctly for the club.
Please bring your own food and beverage to share after the race. We love breakfast runs!
Any announcements about possible cancellations due to weather will be made on the Frederick Steeplechasers Facebook Group. If race day, or weather in the days prior makes the trails too mucky, we’ll need to cancel so we don’t damage the trails.
Little Bennett Regional Park – Prescott Entrance. NOTE: The address given is for the Little Bennett Golf Course, which will get you close, but not quite there. Follow signs and volunteers directing traffic.
Ummm, yeah……maybe it’s not obvious, but this course isn’t stroller friendly. We also need you to leave your pets at home. Lots of dogs and leashes and single-track trails and people who aren’t accustomed to running with dogs generally doesn’t work out so well.
We need volunteers to make this event happen. For some positions you will also be able to race. Register to volunteer.