Events to Google Calendar

If you use google calendar and you want the Steeplechaser events to appear there, follow these instructions. You only have to do this once.

  1. Right click on this link and “copy link address”
  2. Open your google calendar at You may need to log in to google to see your calendar.
  3. On the left, you should see “Other calendars”. On the right of Other calendars there is a little down arrow, click on it
  4. Click Add by URL
  5. Next to “URL:” paste the link you copied in step 1
  6. Click Add Calendar
  7. You’re done! You should now be able to see Steeplechasers events for the past 3 months and future month or so
  8. You will also see something similar to “Frederick Steeplech…” under Other calendars (the full name of the calendar is Frederick Steeplechasers Running Club). You can click on this to make the FSRC events visible or not