Spook Hill Cider & Wine 4-Mile Run and 3-Mile Walk (GP 4-mile only)

Burkittsville Ruritan 500 East Main Street, Burkittsville, MD, United States

Come out and enjoy our 4-mile (or 3-mile for walkers) hybrid road/cross country course that winds through historic Burkittsville (yes, that Blair Witch town), Boordy’s South Mountain Vineyard, historic Burkittsville […]

Friends 10K / 5K, and Fun Run-Walk (GP 10K only)

Cunningham Falls State Park William Houck Area 14039 Catoctin Hollow Road, Thurmont, MD, United States

***The 10K race is an FSRC Grand Prix Event*** At the lake in Cunningham Falls State Park, William Houck Drive, Thurmont, MD 21788 5K: Paved, rolling course among the fall […]