Inspiration & Testimonials

We could go on all day about how much we love our little running club, but we’ll give our members a chance to speak for themselves:


Here are some inspirational message collected over the years.


From time to time, we are asked why joining the Steeplechasers Running Club is a good idea. We think the best answers will come from the members, so here are some of the responses, which we think speak for themselves:

“The free training groups and training plans were what got me to join the club years ago (and they’re still an awesome perk), but it’s the great running friends I’ve made that keep me coming back year after year.”

“I have met so many helpful and enthusiastic people, not to mention all the great friends I have met that encourage me in many more ways then running!”

“Great people. Lots of fun. Lots of learning lots of support.”

“The training groups. Friendly people. Awesome runners.”

“I started in a training group and stayed because of the great friends and support of other runners.”

“So. Much. Fun. And from someone who never liked running, that’s saying a lot.”

“It’s a great, supportive environment with something for every kind of runner. Runners are just the nicest people, and FSRC does a great job of bringing them together.”

“Similar to the above – I joined a half marathon training group to meet new people with similar goals and boy have we meet some goals and had some fun over the past few years! The club is such a valuable member of the community, giving back in so many ways, I’m proud to be a member.”

“I had no real expectations going in to the group. All i can say is “I’m glad i joined.” I’ve made some new friends that I hope will last forever. The support that the group gives each other is amazing. They make you feel part of a family, always cheering you on.”

“I joined a few years ago and I am NOT an elite runner or super athlete (believe me…) but the fun times, motivation, educational offerings from great resources and general good-spirited support at the events beats all! And there is the beer, too…”

“The group is AWESOME!!!!!!”

I have been a Steep for the most part of 23 years. I have been through so much & the Steeps have always been a constant for me; through thick & thin!”

“Support and encouragement. I am old and slow and have always felt welcome. When we train, the rule is “no one left behind” which I appreciate. I would not be running if not for the Steeplechasers. I only started 4 years ago after I retired.”